Friday 11 November 2011

Linear inequality and graphs

Friends today we are going to talk all about linear inequality and the way with which it can be easily solved. The term inequality generally means that two values are not equal to each other and thats why the is equal to sign (=) between them is replaced by comparison operators which are less than > or greater than < as: if a is not equal to b than it can be represent as : a< b or a> b

while using linear inequality in mathematical equations, the answer of the equation is also restricted in a fixed range which depends on the inequality sign and the integer value on the right side of the linear equation. Lets take an example of linear inequality problem as: x + 3 > 2 this means the solution of the equation must be greater than 2 and for this the value of x should not be less than 0 or we can say it should be positive.

The easiest way of solving linear inequality problems is inequality graphing. Graphing is a procedure with which the geographical form of any function, relation or equation is drawn for better explaining of them. While doing inequality graphing the straight line of linear inequality equation is restricted to only one side of the graph. For calculating the slope or tangent of the line we use the standard slope formula which is as:

M = y2 – y1/ x2 – x1

the slope of the line is basically equal to the Tangent which is determined by the differentiation of y with respect to x as Dy/Dx.

So M is also equals to Dy/Dx. The general form of any slope intercept is as the following :

Y = Mx + C

here C = Y intercept ( point on Y-axis where the graph crosses.)

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